Concert Photography


in Phoenix, Arizona

Your photo album will be delivered to you as both full resolution files and web optimized files. A specific count of images cannot be guaranteed based on the nature of this type of photography, however, on average photo albums can include about 30-70 photos for a 30-45 minute set. The count may vary based on things like: whether the shoot is restricted to the first 3 songs, what vantage point the photographer has access to (pit, FOH, or soundboard for example), and the lighting of the show.

A full day rate is charged for this service because it is inclusive of hours of editing time behind the scenes following the event. Our team members also pay for our commutes and parking at the event.


  • Digitally Finished Photos
  • Print Release
  • Permission to include images in the artist’s electronic press kit (EPK) and non-commercially online.

Subject to limitations.

More Options Afterward:

  • Commercial licenses are available per-image at an additional fee afterward.
  • Print options are also available as merch, posters, canvas, wall art, and more.

Customization & Other Locations

Contact to schedule a consultation for a fully customized concert photography session, including other locations outside of the Phoenix metro area.
